igloo Release Update
2017 T1 Release

Release Date: 31/03/2017 Version: 2017-1.1

New to this release

Jira No. Description
IG-33 igloo has undergone some major UI improvements in order to present the site in a responsive manner. The portal will now display optimised for mobile and tablets as well as laptops/desktops. The UI update includes new form controls with a more modern flat design suitable for all devices, increased font size, and an application look and feel when used on a mobile device.
IG-29 For Single Sign-On (SSO) schools using SAML, logins are now logged internally within igloo.
IG-32 The QuickLinks block now allows uploading of a custom image when setting up a QuickLInk. Previously only allowed from a default set of icons.
IG-35 QuickLinks and iWise Forms interface enhanced. igloo now able to present iWise forms with a history of existing records with a Create/Read/Update/Delete interface.
IG-36 The "Daily Notices" block can now be optionally placed on any group page. This block will list all notices for the current user as defined on the iWise screen: Home | Messages | Daily Notices.
IG-42 The News and Notices block on the Administrator tab now has a fixed height and allows scrolling through records. This resolves the previous issue of the block's height becoming unmanageable when increasing to accommodate a large number of records.
IG-39 The Health Check block is available on the Administrator tab and performs some ongoing tests/checks to ensure that certain requirements are in place for optimal igloo operation. A green light for an item indicates ok, a red light requires further action. Hovering over the item will give a description of the further action required. If a particular item is not applicable for a school, it can be hidden via "Edit Mode" of the block.
IG-41 Extra credit card validation against selected card type has now been added for online payments.

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